Tower of Jewels Plant: Eichium

I was wondering what the name of the plant was… so, I emailed my friends and family and my DAD found the answer!
You can’t really google “wierd plant” and find out… SOME information is only stored in the minds of old gardeners!
Dear kids:You have an excellent specimen of a relatively rare plant. I printed out your e-mail and took it down to Green Thumb Nursery.  An old man employee told me it was a  “Echium”.  There are several verities and yours is “Pininana”.  I looked it up in the Sunset Garden Book, and they say, “Woody Based Perennial”, short lived, but occasionally seen,  in gardens along the Northern California Coast”.  The gardener told me the common name is “Tower of Jewels”.  Also it likes the cold wet coast, but does not require much, if any, water.  You may have a winner there.   Dad
One day in a high wind the plant blew over…
We stood it back up and tied it to the house with rope and it survived.
FOR OTHER PICTURES: type the words echium tower jewels into google image search… I find that it also grows in England.

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