Posts Tagged ‘2018’

Gavin Newsom for Governor of California in 2018… President in 2020… He’s Smart, Digital, Young and We Get Jennifer Siebel as FLOTUS.

July 6, 2018

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom…

She’s not on the ballot, but this woman could be ‘front and center’ in the governor’s office

In California, We can vote for Gavin Newsom for Governor in 2018 and then President in 2020.

May 2, 2018

He can beat Trump if Trump is still President then… Gavin is Smart, Digital and Handsome. He could start the New Age of CAMELOT 2.0… He is one of the first of Generation X to step up and lead. Please ask your friends and family to VOTE. Like and Share this message. 2018 is OUR YEAR!

Gavin Newsom for President in 2020

Feeling Patriotic? Eat some Sweet and Sour PORK with Soy Sauce. Have an ALMOND! American Farmers are getting Royally F*cked By Trump Tariffs!

April 9, 2018

Trump started this insane trade war and American Farmers are suffering from China’s tariffs on our products. Drink some California Wine…

We need a special performance of FARMAID…

Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellenkamp should play on the Washington Mall…


Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985 to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on the land. Dave Matthews joined the Farm Aid Board of Directors in 2001. Farm Aid has raised more than $50 million to promote a strong and resilient family farm system of agriculture. Farm Aid is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to keep family farmers on the land.

When the Democrats take the House of Representatives, Impeachment is Inevitable. What can one person do to help? 2018 is OUR YEAR!

March 31, 2018

Campaign in your own local election for the House Seat. You can find out who your representative is by typing your zip code into this website.

Then you can post messages promoting Democratic Candidates on your own Blog, Twitter or Facebook page.

You can also join They are trying to register young people to vote. In general, Young People did not vote in the 2016 election. Mainly because BOTH CANDIDATES WERE TERRIBLE. I didn’t vote. I liked Bernie Sanders. Hillary stole the Democratic Nomination thru the use of “Super Delegates” – People that were chosen by the Democratic Party Leaders, NOT the voters. It was a rigged system. More people attended March for our Lives than attended Trump’s Inauguration. That’s because Most people are In Favor of Good and Opposed to Evil. Their next event is Registration of Young People to vote. If you are not 18 years old, please talk with your parents about removing Republicans from elective office. The NRA sponsors Republicans.

NRA leader speaking at a Republicrime Event

Another Organization that created many protests for the Obamacare Battle is They are a good meeting place for the Violet Overgrow of the Gubbermint!

In order to change public opinion, please Post articles from newspapers detailing the bad actions Republicrime people are doing. The Russians believe that Social Media is Effective. They employed Trolls to Campaign against Hillary in 2016. We can voice our own opinions and retake The Government of the USA!

For Example: Scott Pruitt of the EPA wants to end auto pollution laws. That would be good for the super rich people that own automobile corporations but bad for people that breathe air. The Republicrime Party are the Puppets of the Super Rich… Passing Laws that make them even richer at the expense of the common man. Here is the Article from the newspaper and Link for people to read more.

“E.P.A. Prepares to Roll Back Rules Requiring Cars to Be Cleaner and More Efficient.

The Trump administration is expected to launch an effort in coming days to weaken greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards for automobiles, handing a victory to car manufacturers and giving them ammunition to potentially roll back industry standards worldwide.”

2018 is a brand new race with over a thousand candidates running for House or Senate seats.

The Trump and the Republicrime Congress have caused harm to America. For Example:

1. Passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are receiving Social Security Disability Checks for Insanity are now eligible to purchase firearms. This LAW is insane!

2. Passed a Tax Cut for the Rich Law. No one that I know has received a tax cut because all my friends work for a living at a job. However, our COSTS for health insurance has gone up. This law was written by the rich for the rich.

3. Increased enforcement of immigration laws… attacking anyone that looks Hispanic… ICE is chasing random Latino people, citizens and aliens. DACA was repealed by Trump causing a very real threat of deportation to a million children brought to the USA by their parents.

4. Appointed Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. He has spent his career fighting against the EPA as a lawyer for the OIL and GAS industry. His goal is to dismantle the EPA so corporations can cut the costs of disposing of waste responsibly. Generations of Americans will live in polluted environments causing health disasters.

5. Appointed Ryan Zinke to lead the Department of the Interior. He reduced the size of National Monuments so OIL and GAS companies can drill on Federal Land. AND Trump made it legal for OIL companies to drill offshore… Creating the opportunity for ecological disaster like we had in the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Appointed Betsy DeVos hear of the Department of Education. She is opposed to funding Public Schools and is in favor of funding Private Schools. Private Schools are designed to have the freedom to teach “alternative” concepts like Creationism instead of Evolution using Federal Money to Promote Christianity. Private Schools are designed to be affordable by rich white students and NOT affordable by poor Black and Latino students. Segregation…

7. Now they plan to “Privatize” the Veterans Administration healthcare system. That would enrich people that own Hospitals and Health insurance companies while providing worse service for veterans. The GOAL of a Privatized Health Care system is PROFIT. The GOAL of the VA is GOOD HEALTH for VETERANS.

In California:


2018 is our year to throw out the Republicrimes. When the House becomes Democratic, IMPEACHMENT is Inevitable.

March 27, 2018

So far, Trump and his Republicrime Congress have:

1. Passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are receiving Social Security Disability Checks for Insanity are now eligible to purchase firearms. This LAW is insane!

2. Passed a Tax Cut for the Rich Law. No one that I know has received a tax cut because all my friends work for a living at a job. However, our COSTS for health insurance has gone up. This law was written by the rich for the rich.

3. Increased enforcement of immigration laws… attacking anyone that looks Hispanic… ICE is chasing random Latino people, citizens and aliens. DACA was repealed by Trump causing a very real threat of deportation to a million children brought to the USA by their parents.

4. Appointed Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. He has spent his career fighting against the EPA as a lawyer for the OIL and GAS industry. His goal is to dismantle the EPA so corporations can cut the costs of disposing of waste responsibly. Generations of Americans will live in polluted environments causing health disasters.

5. Appointed Ryan Zinke to lead the Department of the Interior. He reduced the size of National Monuments so OIL and GAS companies can drill on Federal Land. AND Trump made it legal for OIL companies to drill offshore… Creating the opportunity for ecological disaster like we had in the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Appointed Betsy DeVos hear of the Department of Education. She is opposed to funding Public Schools and is in favor of funding Private Schools. Private Schools are designed to have the freedom to teach “alternative” concepts like Creationism instead of Evolution using Federal Money to Promote Christianity. Private Schools are designed to be affordable by rich white students and NOT affordable by poor Black and Latino students. Segregation…

In California:


The Time Has Come for the Violet Overgrow of the Government. Register, Vote and Remove All the Old White Men from Office.

March 13, 2018

Eventually, ALL the Baby Boomers will be dead and UNABLE to rule the Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court. NOW would be a good time for GEN X to rise up and seize control. Buy Dianne Feinstein a Freaking Rocking Chair and a front porch and she can take up Knitting…

Hey Millennials! Wake UP! We the Baby Boomers have left you a Seriously F*cked-UP Planet… Sorry… But we were really stoned when we were making decisions… OOPS!  Like driving all over the country burning huge quantities of gasoline following the Grateful Dead around… Who could have imagined that all that air pollution would cause Global Warming?

grassley Feinstein 84 years old

Vote for Conor Lamb for Congress in Pennsylvania. SEMPER FI

March 13, 2018

Conor Lamb is a Marine, a former federal prosecutor, and the Democratic nominee for the March 13th special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District, located in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Conor’s priorities include taking immediate action to fight the heroin crisis, creating and protecting good jobs, making health care more affordable, protecting Medicare and Social Security, and reforming our broken student loan system.

Conor James Lamb (born June 27, 1984) is an American attorney, former United States Marine, and the Democratic candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 18th congressional district. Lamb was a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Pittsburgh, where he worked to combat the opioid epidemic by leading prosecutions of cases involving opioid-related deaths, violent crimes, and gun trafficking.[1] He is the Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania’s 18th congressional district special election, 2018, which will be held on March 13, 2018.[2][3][4][5]

Vote Against All Republicrimes. Old White Men Should Retire. 2018 is OUR YEAR!

March 5, 2018


Why not have congress represent the people? Instead of Old White Men that have accepted bribes from the NRA and Wall Street, Why not have Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Whites and Women?

Majority Rule is an EXCELLENT Idea… Most people prefer it to Corporate Rule.