Posts Tagged ‘republicans’

Join SWING LEFT… Organizing a Grass Roots Uprising to Throw The Republicans OUT. “Get Off My Lawn, Get Out Of My Government, You Crazy *%&*$#%#%***!”

July 6, 2018 <— Click on the Link

It starts with The House…

Don’t despair. Mobilize.

Control of the House in 2018 will be decided by a small number of Swing Districts, places where the last election was decided by a thin margin. Join your closest Swing District team to hear about things you can do to support Democrats—and defeat Republicans—in that district, no matter where you live. We can stop Trump and the GOP agenda by working together NOW

We Need Volunteers to DUMP TRUMP and his Brainwashed Republicrimes…

Prediction: Astonishing Hurricanes in 2018… Global Warming will wipe out Coastal American South and the East making it UNINHABITABLE…

July 1, 2018

While the Republicrimes debate if Climate Change is Real…

People from Texas to Florida will have to flee their homes… Floods… Sea Level Rise…

Flooding in Miami due to Sea Level Rise

Wildfires will be worse this year than last in the WEST.

The only place that is safe to live will be the COAST of Northern California, Oregon, Washington State and Canada… With Sea Levels Rising… be prepared to Abandon Manhattan Island New York City. Simply MOVE the Computers of Wall Street To Higher Ground Upstate…

Can New York Be Saved in the Era of Global Warming?

Please Post Liberal Concepts to Conservative Social Networks. To Help Educate the Brainwashed.

April 19, 2018

Why not explain to these Fine People why Republican Ideas are Fatal to a Healthy America? It is important to spread the IDEAS of Sanity to people that ARE NOT ALREADY IN AGREEMENT…

Facebook is programmed to only display ideas from your friends… and they already know… This is a way to influence public opinion… Legalize Marijuana. No Nukes. End the War in Afghanistan. Gavin Newsom for President. Build the SpaceLens, a giant parasol to cast a shadow on the eARTh. [simply FIX global warming, it’s cooler in the shade]. YES=Solar/Wind Power. NSA stop spying on Americans. Fund the Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri. not a lot of action on Smart Girls… They used to be much bigger. Founded during the California Governors Election when Meg Whitman was running…

The Tea party has a LOT of discussion and many read and responded to my posts. I can only visit about once a week as they are really filled with hate… I cannot allow the Dark Side of the Force into my Brain very often. I was able to post on Connect With Liberty [No Libs Allowed] is their slogan… So my plan is to be stealthy with my posts… so I’m not instantly banned… UPDATE: BANNED WITHIN 6 HOURS… ONE POST AND THEN WHOOSH… I’M GONE.

If you know some other Republicrime Social Networks… please email me or leave a comment… gregvan[fat]yahoo[dot]calm… or don’t… Why not just read a good book? “The Monkeywrench Gang” by Edward Abbey…

Awaken eARTh heART

I’m getting a response on Tea Party Community…

Doing my part to educate the masses…

Vote Against All Republicrimes. Old White Men Should Retire. 2018 is OUR YEAR!

March 5, 2018


Why not have congress represent the people? Instead of Old White Men that have accepted bribes from the NRA and Wall Street, Why not have Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Whites and Women?

Majority Rule is an EXCELLENT Idea… Most people prefer it to Corporate Rule.