Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

Join SWING LEFT… Organizing a Grass Roots Uprising to Throw The Republicans OUT. “Get Off My Lawn, Get Out Of My Government, You Crazy *%&*$#%#%***!”

July 6, 2018 <— Click on the Link

It starts with The House…

Don’t despair. Mobilize.

Control of the House in 2018 will be decided by a small number of Swing Districts, places where the last election was decided by a thin margin. Join your closest Swing District team to hear about things you can do to support Democrats—and defeat Republicans—in that district, no matter where you live. We can stop Trump and the GOP agenda by working together NOW

We Need Volunteers to DUMP TRUMP and his Brainwashed Republicrimes…

2018 is our year to throw out the Republicrimes. When the House becomes Democratic, IMPEACHMENT is Inevitable.

March 27, 2018

So far, Trump and his Republicrime Congress have:

1. Passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are receiving Social Security Disability Checks for Insanity are now eligible to purchase firearms. This LAW is insane!

2. Passed a Tax Cut for the Rich Law. No one that I know has received a tax cut because all my friends work for a living at a job. However, our COSTS for health insurance has gone up. This law was written by the rich for the rich.

3. Increased enforcement of immigration laws… attacking anyone that looks Hispanic… ICE is chasing random Latino people, citizens and aliens. DACA was repealed by Trump causing a very real threat of deportation to a million children brought to the USA by their parents.

4. Appointed Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. He has spent his career fighting against the EPA as a lawyer for the OIL and GAS industry. His goal is to dismantle the EPA so corporations can cut the costs of disposing of waste responsibly. Generations of Americans will live in polluted environments causing health disasters.

5. Appointed Ryan Zinke to lead the Department of the Interior. He reduced the size of National Monuments so OIL and GAS companies can drill on Federal Land. AND Trump made it legal for OIL companies to drill offshore… Creating the opportunity for ecological disaster like we had in the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Appointed Betsy DeVos hear of the Department of Education. She is opposed to funding Public Schools and is in favor of funding Private Schools. Private Schools are designed to have the freedom to teach “alternative” concepts like Creationism instead of Evolution using Federal Money to Promote Christianity. Private Schools are designed to be affordable by rich white students and NOT affordable by poor Black and Latino students. Segregation…

In California:


Tax Cuts for ALL! It can be paid for by debt and letting our great grandchildren worry about the bill later.

August 5, 2017

That’s Trumps Plan. Coming soon to Congress: Raising the national debt ceiling and what they jokingly call “Tax Reform”. What that means is a vast tax cut for the 1% and a small tax cut for the 99%. It’s a Win-Win plan! Just like getting a brand new credit card, we can spend NOW NOW NOW and worry about paying back the loan later… Is it possible for the entire country to declare bankruptcy? That’s a great way to avoid paying your bills… Trump’s done it four (4) times!

How to hack a US Senator’s Contact via email form. That way you can express your opinion to Many Senators. Up to 100…

July 21, 2017

Every Senator has a form used by constituents to express their opinion… They only care about opinions from people that live in their state… Pretend to be a real voter in their state by using a valid street address. Look up a valid street address using Google Maps Street View and the USPS zip code lookup. Then when you are expressing your opinion as to how they should vote on a bill you appear to be a real voter… and you can express your opinion to up to 100 Senators…  Many of the forms check for a valid zip code and reject opinions from non voters. It’s possible to express your opinion to many Senators and Congressmen even though you don’t live in their state… or even in the USA. Simply put the little golden man on a street in the appropriate state and presto-changeo an address appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen…!input.action

Find your House of Representatives Contact Form Using this link.

Here are some subjects that I am concerned about:

1. Save Social Security and Medicare. The House of Representatives just passed a budget bill that cuts payment of these programs.

2. Either FIX Obamacare or create a Single Payer Medicare for all healthcare system. Obviously Trumpcare is horrible. Repeal and Replace is a mean idea and a total failure of the Republicrime party.

3. Legalize Marijuana nationwide, tax it and use that money to fund schools. This system has worked great in Colorado. Release all Prisoners that are incarcerated for Cannabis related crimes. That would save the taxpayers a fortune. It’s obvious that We the People want Recreational Marijuana Legalized.

4. Let’s NOT pay for the F-35 Jet Airplane. It’s something that the USA Does Not Need. It’s simply Corporate Welfare for Lockheed. Let’s reduce spending on the military in general. One way is to stop all these wars. The USA is stuck in an Orwellian “Forever War” in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. What a total waste of lives and money. Have you seen photographs of the city called Mosul? We bombed the hell out of that city and now it’s just a pile of rubble where homes used to stand. Total Evil in the name of fighting ISIS, a group that we “accidentally” armed.

5. Let’s return the Environmental Protection Agency to an Agency that Protects the Environment. Under the failed Trump Administration it’s become an agency that enables corporations to pollute. It’s run by Scott Pruitt, a man that has sued the EPA to prevent the Agency from enforcing Environmental laws.

6. Let’s drain the swamp. Trump has appointed 193 corporate CEOs and Lobbyists to senior positions in government. This enables the 1% to get their wishes granted. Read Elizabeth Warren’s Opinion at:

7. Let’s hire thousands of computer programmers to make our systems hacker proof. There are reports that the computers at nuclear power plants have had hacking attempts made on their business systems. If those hacking attempts ever succeed there may be a massive power outage nationwide. Looting and The End of Western Civilization will follow.

8. Let’s get rid of the Electoral College. Twice it has selected a President that did not get the majority of votes. George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore and then he turned out to be a very bad quality President. Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton and he also has turned out to be a bad quality President. Let’s learn from our mistakes and stop using the Electoral College.


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and now for something completely different… Original Art!


Bubble UP Economics… a plan that actually might work! Read more at: