Posts Tagged ‘Cannabis’

What IF we secretly fed Cannabis Cookies to Evil People? Would they Change their Minds and become Good?

April 19, 2018

For Example:  Lobbyists that bribe Corrupt Politicians and help pass Laws that Hurt the Public but Benefit Corporations? Like Pollution Regulations…

There are fancy Hotels near the US Capitol Building that have a Lunch Buffet that is Popular with “Suits”.  A person wearing a waiters uniform could place a tray of cookies on the Buffet… Intoxicating Congressional Office Workers, Lobbyists, Businessmen and maybe even Senators and Representatives…

Then an appreciation for Ecology might overgrow the desire for Stockholder’s Profits or Bribes. Could Happen! There is a restaurant IN the US Capital… What IF an actual employee distributed Cannabis Candies? There are MANY different edibles… Why NOT?

What if we planted Cannabis in the same Flower Pot as Psilocybin?  Would a new life form evolve?

April 6, 2018

Shared Root Experiment: What IF?

Remember to Place a Beehive nearby.

Keywords: cannabis, psilocybin, cross breeding, Bebop, Cubist, Goofball, shared root system, biology, evolve, hybrid, mushroom, weed, grass, magic, la la la la la la la live 4 today…

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics.

Why not let Doctors and Patients

Choose Responsibly?

Atomic Sunset in Eureka, CA

I have experienced Cannabis Psychosis. I saw things that were not there but I believed that they really existed.

March 2, 2018

I experienced events that did not happen. That made it difficult to make smart decisions. Californians ought to be aware that it is possible to smoke too much dope. It took my smoking about a pound of Oregon Legal over a 7 month period for me to experience Psychosis. Yes, it’s FUN to see some things, Like a cat about the size of a German Shepard Dog. Meow! However…

I stopped smoking when I went on a driving vacation and didn’t want to be in possession of an illegal substance while camping out in my van. I remained stoned for about a month due to having so much THC in my system. It was a great trip and I saw many beautiful parks and deserts in Southern California and Nevada. We were driving over “The Grapevine” and the highway patrol created a rolling roadblock to slow down the traffic. They actually forced us all to stop completely by driving back and forth across all the lanes of the freeway… I thought the CHP Car was dancing. Quite an interesting event to observe amplified by my THC enhanced brain… The combination of my being retired from work, having money in the bank and the Legalization of Marijuana in Oregon allowed me to simply take too much. Oregon was 100 miles from home and I bought an ounce a week… The stores rate and price their weed by quantity of THC per gram. I tended to buy the strongest stuff available… I went to the hospital to have an infected blister on my foot treated and they tested my blood and urine… I still tested positive for THC after not smoking for a month.

I started smoking marijuana in 1969 at age 14. I’ve smoked off and on my whole life. However I realized that I had to quit smoking while I was studying computer science at Humboldt State University. I believe that it would have been impossible to do my homework while stoned… So I quit for 4 years… In Arcata, the geographic center of illegal marijuana farming in Northern California. Marijuana is not addictive like tobacco is but it still has risks associated with it. One risk to be aware of is being arrested for driving a car while stoned.

I did a scientific study of playing chess while stoned on various drugs. I owned a chess computer that would allow me to play at different skill levels. I concluded that I played at a higher level when I drank coffee and a lower level on Marijuana and alcohol. On LSD I refused play at all as the entire test seemed absurd.

Cannabis does have entertainment value. Rock concerts are more enjoyable while stoned. One time I went to an Allman Brothers concert during a time when there was no marijuana available and the music seemed too loud and the guitar solos were pointless and too long. Sex is more pleasurable when stoned. Food tastes better. In general, all experiences are more fun. Reading a Science Fiction Book while stoned is astonishing as every page has a mind blowing revelation or plat twist. Of course, the author intentionally designed the book to twist your mind. Mission Accomplished!

Marijuana is not addictive in the sense that it does not cause pain when a person stopped using it like tobacco does. However, given a choice, I prefer to be stoned all day every day. Smoking at dawn and taking another puff whenever I feel like the effects are wearing off. During my 7 month smoke-a-thon with Oregon Legal I lost about 100 pounds of weight. Strange effect. I believe that the weight loss happened because during the first hour after smoking, I felt queasy and did not feel like eating. Since I was smoking at least once an hour, I did not experience the munchies. After I went to the mental hospital I stopped smoking marijuana and have gained all that weight back and more. Deep Sigh…

During the time I was smoking marijuana heavily, the number of visitors to my blog went up dramatically. Google provides statistics about how popular my words of wisdom are. I was writing what I call “Absurdist Fiction” and posting a lot of travel photographs/descriptions. I also figured out how to “GAME” the Google Search Engine Algorithm… My Blog uses keywords describing my posts individually.  For Example: If I write a post about Traveling to Oregon, I write a dozen words that describe that blog post. I found a way to copy and paste ALL of those keywords into a single blog post. Therefore the content of that blog post would rate high on almost any Google Search.
That technique no longer works as Google probably fixed the search algorithm to ignore that “Hack”.
Anyway, I believed that the reason my blogs popularity had increased dramatically was that I was writing better when stoned. Just like The Beatles became Super Popular when the started recording records like Sargent Pepper… Yes, it’s true that I came up with more and better ideas while stoned.
BUT… the vast majority of my increase in visits was due to that one trick I played on Google.


After I got out of the mental hospital I quit smoking marijuana and have not had any great ideas since. SO, I have been writing my Autobiography instead. Typing what I did in the past instead of creating the future. By the way, I’m really glad that Marijuana has become legal in California because freedom of choice is great. It’s not the right drug for me but the last thing anyone needs is going to jail. We ought to legalize Marijuana Nationwide! Reduce spending on Law Enforcement while increasing VOLUNTARY taxes… AND… Release all the Cannabis Prisoners.


Links to other blog posts…


Legalize Marijuana Nationwide and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. We could use the extra money to pay for healthcare for all.

August 10, 2017

The USA would receive a fortune in VOLUNTARY Taxes. If you don’t smoke you wouldn’t pay a cent. We could also cut Taxpayer expenses currently wasted on Incarceration and Law Enforcement. It’s a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out.  In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug… DUH…

Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal?
Corporations that are in the business of incarceration.

Law Enforcement makes money by arresting people, then warehousing them in jail. While ACTUAL crime is on the wane, cannabis arrests are easy and low risk. REAL criminals are often dangerous. Cannabis Criminals are Often Stoned… and easygoing…

and… all these people depend on Prohibition for their Paycheck…

Judges, lawyers, police, bail bondsmen, prison guards, construction workers that build prisons, social workers that talk to the families left behind, involuntary rehab clinics, fertilizer salesman, grow-light salesman, realtors that rent abandoned houses to be used as farms… There is a huge industry that will have sales reduced if Marijuana is legalized…


Criminals depend on Marijuana being Illegal to Protect their Profits. With Legal Marijuana, the Mexican Mafia would be in deep trouble… Are they bribing Senators and Congressmen? We do not know because that money is in cash and not traceable…

———— (~);-} ——— Links to more Blog Posts: ———— (~);-} ———-

My Best Art – A Psychedelic Freakshow by Greg Vanderlaan… See More at:

Futureworld2525: a silly science fiction story… an Ecoterrorist Time Trip. Read More at:

Solar Desalinization Project – Makes Pure Water, Salt and Electricity. When the Steam cools, it falls from the sky as rain. Read More at:

Did you ever Notice Arcata, California? It’s Simply Wonderful. Experience the delight at:

How to fix the Waiting for Edge Chat error in the Farmville Game. DELETE COOKIES, RESTART GAME. and tips for playing Farmville. Get a Clue at:

Be Aware of Propaganda: “The Bottom Line with Boris” and Trump TV “Real” News. They are lying to you. Read more at:

Now is the time to tell your Senators that you want to FIX Obamacare or start Single Payer Medicare for all. Read More at:

Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses. Read More at:

How to hack a US Senator’s Contact via email form. That way you can express your opinion to Many Senators. Up to 100… Read More At:

More of My Best Art – Trippy Potatoshop Images – Like Wow, Man…. It’s Cosmic… at:

Even More of My Best Art – Entrance the viewer automatically:

My Best Art page four – Like and Share Freely:

Free WINPLOT Art for use in your own creations. Pirate at will, Matey… It’s Fun!

<<~~~~~~~~~~~~ More More More ~~~~~~~~~~~~>>
Trump’s Place in History is Now Secure. He signed the Russian Sanctions Bill despite Putin’s Anger.
Great Job, Donald. Like JFK and going to the Moon or MLK and the “I Have a Dream Speech”, Donald Trump will forever be remembered for the Russian Sanctions Bill that punishes them for meddling with our Presidential election in 2016.
“Make America Hate Again” – It’s ABSURD to Blame Immigrants for all our troubles….

The Federal Police force called ICE is stopping and questioning anyone who looks like an illegal alien. That means Latinos… Including people that were born in the USA. Including people who’s Great Great Great Grandfathers were born in the USA.

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide bill introduced in the US Senate. Honorable Cory Booker author.

People will write anything if they are paid enough… Check out this pro-nuke article by a Fellow at The Heritage Foundation… Stephen Moore…

A collection of my best art is on Google Image Search keyword “vandergreg”…
My webstore is at… Here is a link to my art:
and here is a link to my Webstore on zazzle:

Anonymous Mask. Why not be different? Make your own and become a Nom Nom Nom Mouse instead. Here’s How.

Fracking causes water pollution and health danger for people. Split Estate is a great movie documentary. It shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.

EPA chief pushing governmentwide effort to question climate change science. As if we could just talk away global warming… The Trump administration is debating whether to launch a government wide effort to question the science of climate change, an effort that critics say is an attempt to undermine the long-established consensus human activity is fueling the Earth’s rising temperatures.
Learn Secret Communication at: *#%$@**^&*$%^ …

Impeach Trump protests nationwide. It’s time for GenX and Millennials to run for public office. Save us Jenna Marbles! We the people have had enough of this buffoon. What is needed is some leadership from young people. The Baby Boom Generation has ruled long enough. It’s time for us to retire and enjoy some free time.

‘Blue Cheese Gone Bad’ – Penicillium roqueforti – (fiction- not one word is true)…
Alternative words for Marijuana so you can post to Facebook without Homeland Security putting you on a list… 13, M, MJ, ganja, The Nice, The Kind, Bud, hemp, hashish, boo, weed, reefer, herb, tea, grass, joint, wacky tabaky and the ever popular… medicine. Know any others? Comment…

GV: pot, Acapulco gold, Maui wowie, Panama red, bhang, cannabis, doobie, dope, ganja, loco weed, maryjane, roach, sinsemilla and “The Mule” because it kicks you in the head…

Artshow – eye candy – feel free to pirate any image – Greg Vanderlaan

How I Meditate. It’s easy to do and It improves mental health… AND… It Accelerates Global Awakening!

July 22, 2017

I lie down and close my eyes. Then I focus my attention on my breathing. Slow deep breaths with a silent verbal statement during each breath.

For Example:

[Inhale] My mind is completely relaxed  [Exhale] … [Inhale] My body is completely relaxed [Exhale] …  [Inhale] I’m going deeper and deeper into a Hypnotic Trance [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] …  [Inhale] Make me a Channel of thy peace [Exhale] … [Inhale] Where there is Sickness may I bring Health [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] …  [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] …  [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] … [Inhale] God… [Exhale] …

and then repeat the entire prayer again and again…

Sometimes I ask God What I should write on my Blog… Looking for divine inspiration for these words… seeking a little wisdom to share… Then I type my Ideas into the internet for people to read and share…

other times I ask God What should I do with my Art programs? Looking for basic concepts to express using Potatoshop?

Sometimes I fall asleep and have Colorful Dreams where I go visit an Art Gallery and see Imaginary Paintings…

It is possible to do this style of Meditation while walking. Focus your attention on your breathing, think positive uplifting thoughts and thank God for this wonderful world. Choose your own God to thank. [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] [Inhale] thank you  [Exhale] Watch where you are going and observe the beautiful flowers and trees… they are your brothers and sisters… Observe the beautiful rivers, oceans and the morning dew on the trees… we are mostly water and it’s healing to view water… or swim… Some people find the Mantra “OM” is a powerful word. It rhymes with HOME but it’s a word in a language that’s not English. Ram Dass recommends Mantras written in Sanskrit but I find that they are confusing… He meditates by repeating “RAM” while paying attention to his breathing… That doesn’t work for me because RAM in English stands for Random Access Memory – a computer term or a Brand name of a TRUCK or a male sheep or goat… It doesn’t do me any good to focus my thoughts on a BIG TRUCK… SO, I choose my own Mantra… “Thank You” works for me.

If your current God turns out to be a disaster then fire that God and find a different one that works! There are over one million different Gods in Hinduism alone. and… there are Many different Religions or lack of Religions in practice in the world today. Do you worship Money? Is that working out? Do you currently worship Jesus or Allah? Well, those paths work just fine for many people but… if they are leading you to chronic unhappiness then simply stop doing that. Just Stop with the self inflicted punishment and choose something else. What about worshipping a plant or worshipping ALL plants and ALL animals? We are all one big happy family… Try dancing around a campfire at night while playing the drums… Might work!