Posts Tagged ‘CERN’

Question. a Quest for an Ion… Like CERN and subatomic physics…

July 15, 2012

So, there has been great strides forward in physics… The articles I have read make me wonder… since this discovery is of a truly fundamental nature, what IS the Higgs Boson and how will it effect our understanding of reality… It is FUN to QUESTION REALITY.Image

I do not pretend to actually understand what it is that they have discovered but… It seems that this particle is what causes mass to exist at all. AND it helps to explain why spiral galaxies don’t simply expand forever instantly… There is a fundamental mystery being explored there. Thanks CERN. For Your Information: That is where Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He needed a way to navigate easily from one computer file to another… so he invented the LINK. Pretty profound Idea… Here is a LINK:

Directly above is a LINK to my Zazzle Webstore and “Question Reality” Bumper Stickers…