Posts Tagged ‘pot’

Got Budget Crisis? Tax Hemp!

May 16, 2009
Arnold Smoking Grass in the Movie "Pumping Iron"

Arnold Smoking Grass in the Movie "Pumping Iron"

Yes, That is a REAL picture of a Wisconsin Tax Stamp for a producer of Marihuana… Yes, That is really Governor Arnold… “Yes, it’s real grass and I inhaled” is what he says… Go Ahead Arnold, Tax Marijuana… the state needs the money.

Dear President Obama: Tax Marijuana

April 20, 2009

So, the war onĀ marijuana has not actually worked… millions of people have been arrested for grass but remain unrepentant. Why not try a different approach? I have found that the government needs money to pay it’s bills and Taxing Marijuana woud be a great way to increase revenues while cutting costs. Less money spent on jails, more tax revenues coming in. GEE, EVERYONE WINS! Of course, I don’t smoke grass and would pay zero taxes… Let the criminals pay! We would also benefit from all the other uses hemp has. fabric, paper, oil for fuel, medicine… We are wasting taxpayers dollars on a system that has proven itself to be a failure. The only people that benefit by the current system are the criminals that pocket the profits. Here in Humboldt County California people build marijuana plantations way out in the woods and burn diesel fuel to power grow lamps. Often there are diesel spills or fires caused by poorly designed lighting systems. We have about 3 fires a year at indoor grows in the city of Eureka alone. For safety: Legalize and Tax Marijuana and put the criminals out of business.