Posts Tagged ‘potus’

Trump CAUSES Gas Prices to Go Up by Withdrawing from Iran Nuclear Deal… another bonehead policy move by BogusPOTUS…

July 1, 2018

One Casualty of Trump’s Tough Iran Stance? Gas Prices 

One unintended consequence of Donald Trump’s plan to choke off Iran’s oil exports could be renewed pain at the pump for millions of Americans, a risky political prospect with mid-term elections just months away.

Trump FAILS to enforce Russian Sanctions Law. Congress passed it, Trump Signed it but NO ACTION HAS HAPPENED.

February 23, 2018

The Deadline to impose sanctions to punish the Russian Government for Meddling in our Presidential Election was OCTOBER 2017… Trump  is behaving like a #PutinPuppet. Why does not the President defend our country from INFORMATION WARFARE? Because he has to do what Putin tells him to do. Like an obedient puppy. Let’s Impeach Trump for Dereliction of Duty. He’s in the Military [Commander in Chief] but he is refusing to follow orders… Lock Him Up, Jail Time in Leavenworth just like any other soldier that disobeys orders. #LockHimUp #BogusPOTUS

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Why should we all vote against all Republicrimes Everywhere, Everytime? Republicrimes oppose FOOD STAMPS… Classic proof that Republicrimes are in favor of EVIL and opposed to GOOD. Food Stamps often are used to feed children. Children learn more at school when they are not hungry. Resulting in a more intelligent generation. Food Stamps also increase sales and profits for FARMERS. Money that would be used feeding children is freed up to be spent on other goods… like shoe, clothes, cars, rent,  bicycles etc. It has been estimated by a supervisor in the welfare office in Eureka, CA That every dollar spent on food stamps increases spending by THREE dollars in our local economy. Stores have to employ more clerks, stockers and truck drivers to handle the increased sales. Those employees receive paychecks that they spend on their own families… Everyone Wins! Remember to VOTE AGAINST ALL RPUBLICRIMES everywhere everytime..

Great Book: “Designing Reality- How to Survive and Thrive in the Third Digital Revolution” Gershenfeld Brothers It’s about Fab-Labs. Quantity of Three dimensional printers are increasing double every 18 months. Just like INTEL did with microprocessors…
Great Book: “Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age” by Leslie Berlin A history of the computer industry from mid 1960’s to 1976… including Genetech. Unknown people in the big startups… #3 at Apple, #2 at Atari etc.
Great Book: “The Know it Alls” by Noam Cohen Another history of Silicon Valley in the 2010’s. Computer Ethics.

Great Band: Sonic Youth. Three electric guitar players, bass and drums. They play elaborate instrumental jams in the grunge style. Frequently the melodies sound like synthesizer sequencers but they are all played live. Angry unintelligible lyrics. I can’t actually tell what words they sing but in general they are upset about something… Great feedback song too. Like Hendrix style noise. Intense.

Great TV Shows: Futurama and Ancient Aliens. Futurama is even better than the Simpsons… And they are both made by Matt G… Ironic Cartoon Shows… Ancient Aliens has a believable premise, we were visited by UFOs long ago and people documented the Close Encounters in The Bible and other ancient books… AND there are many Pyramids worldwide and other strange rock structures that have unexplainable construction methods… Very Mysterious… Why build a Pyramid anyway?

Bernie4POTUS – BErnie For Pot U.S.

April 8, 2016

Remember, Bernie Here Know.


Please print many Bernie4POTUS paper plates ~ fill them with food ~ give away on the streets of the USA ~ “Madam, the people have no bread to eat” ~ “Let’s Bake ’em a Cake!”  (~);-} Gregory Vanderlaan 4 42 420 4201 42012 etc



“Madam, the people have no bread to eat” ~ “Let’s Bake ’em a Cake!”  (~);-}